Graduate Degrees in Adult Education

Adult Education Programs Lead to Great Jobs

Adult Education Programs Lead to Great Jobs

According to the Penn State College of Education “Graduate degrees in Adult Education are among the most practical – and adaptable – in all of higher education.”

Anyone considering a career change, who is willing to get back into school chairs, should consider the satisfaction and importance of adult education. Penn State offers a large choice of educational opportunities for all those interested in teaching adults on some level.

Penn State offers M.Ed. and D.Ed. degrees, both of which are practitioner degrees. They allow graduates to use their knowledge in a wide variety of suitable and satisfying ways. There is also the Ph.D. degree, which is a research degree. With a doctorate graduates are then qualified to advance the theoretical foundations, empirical knowledge, and strategic role of adult education.

Graduates of the program can expect to have many options including becoming tenured professors or administrators at many of the best universities of North America in their departments of adult and continuing education. The unique areas of practice within the field of adult education incorporate the following:

•  adult basic education
•  community education & organizing
•  adult & family literacy
•  professional and continuing education
•  distance education
•  human resource development
•  workplace learning
•  informal education
•  educational outreach
•  post-secondary education
•  religious education
•  social advocacy & action

Women with Disabilities Describes Her Experience as Grad Student

Girl Scouts and Adult Learning

Scouting is wonderful activity for children, and the adults that take upon themselves the responsibility of leading a group of Girl Scouts should

Girl Scouts are a great place for adults to help

Girl Scouts are a great place for adults to help

get a lot of credit. But how do these adult volunteers become involved in Scouting for girls? It is not that hard. Without the benefit of school furniture of any kind, adults can go to the Girls Scouts website and follow the link to the page entitled “Adult Learning Opportunities.” Once there they will encounter several online sessions available for watching:

Girl Scouting 101: This is a one hour online session presents by the Girl Scouts of the USA which describes the main characteristics of Girls Scouting today. The description includes, “the Promise and Law, Girl Scout Mission and history, an introduction to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, the Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting and the Journeys program.”

Volunteering for Girl Scout Series and Events: This is a condensed version of Girl Scouting 101. In just 30 minutes adults will discover the essence of Girl Scouts.

Girl Scout Daisy Self-Study: this is a course for leaders of kindergarten and first grade girls.
Adults who would like to volunteer for a worthy cause can get involved in the adult education programs to become leaders in the Girls Scout of the USA movement.

USA Learns: Adults Leaning On-Line

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning

According to, Americans are acculturated to be “lifelong learners.” Americans are constantly improving their skills with ongoing educational opportunities, even if it means getting back behind school desks. The message drawn from this on-line educational site is that even new immigrants to the USA should begin to understand the importance of continuing education.

The web-site offers free programming designed to improve students’ English skills, including reading, writing, speaking and other life skills. The website also offers information to help guide users to educational programming for adults in their particular geographic area. The website also offers a list of literacy programs available from the Office of Vocational and Adult Education.

In addition the office supplies a publication called “Teaching Adults to Read,” which can be helpful to educators dealing with the adult community.